As we enter the last week of school before the holiday break and close out the end of another year, I begin to reflect on life and the
purpose of the holidays. To me, the holiday season is about
believing. Historically, the holidays began this time of year due
to the Winter Solstice. The Winter Solstice is the time of the year when
the Earth turns and light begins to enter back into our
Hemisphere. This enlightenment is the reason that many religions hold
their holidays this time of the year. The light entering into the
world is symbolic. I think of this light as a symbol of hope for better things to come in the new year.
As you come together with the people closet to you in these last few days of 2016, enjoy the relationships that you have and think about the better things to come. Far too often, we are so busy in our everyday lives that we forget about our relationships with each other and how important they can be. Nothing demonstrates that fun-loving caring relationship at SIS more than this year’s holiday video. Here again is the video:
As we enter 2017, I ask that you continue with your commitment towards the success of our students. I believe that Shelton has always been a community that cares for each other. I believe we will come together in the ideals of respect, responsibility and safety. As our school motto states, I believe that through Leadership and Teamwork, we can ensure our Focus will remain in making SIS a safe and caring learning environment for all.
Best wishes for a
wonderful, relaxing and safe holiday season,